Sunday, March 8, 2009

we can't be compared...

How would you know?
when it can't be shown...
How could I show?
when I can't go...
How do I go?
when everything is a no...

Do you know what its like,
to look at your poster every night?
Do you care about what its like,
to think of you every day?
Do you sense of what its like,
to miss you with non stop?
Do you notice to what its like,
to need you when you are not around?

Would you look at me
when I stand in front of you?
Would you smile to me
when I wave to you?
Would you hug me
when I say I love u?

In this world,
you are as big as elephant,
Im as small as an ant,
And an ant cant never be compared to an elephant...

8/3/09 01:20

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