Saturday, March 28, 2009

for the jonas brothers...

What you are up to,
is what i wonder...

Oh!I cant stop thinking of you,
thats for sure...

Singing you songs,
always make me feel better...

All the lyrics,
are like the best ever!

Turning hard things,
into something lighter,
welcoming me into the world of joyness laugher...

28/3/09 06:25

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

the love...

Love is brutal,
as I struggle...

With my undone eyebrows,and scattered acne,
I dream of having you by my side,
Yeah I know it sounds funny,
But that keep me smile so bright...

Love is killing,
as Im dying...

Two different world can never be one in an easy way,
That is what on my mind as on the couch I lay,
Eventhough I feel so far away and away,
It feels better as I pray...

Having you in my heart,
make me feel light,
Remembering you by my heart,
make me feel peace,
Loving you with every piece of my heart,
make me feel perfect!

24/3/09 14:39

thank you,JONAS!!!

I was loosing him,
when I first fall for you...

I was crying for him,
before I smile for you...

I was dying being hurt by him,
after that,a life has been granted to me by you...

I was mourning when I leave him,
then I laugh when I welcome you...

I was covered by the black clouds,
when I was with him,
but now the sun has come as,
Im in love with you...

Thank you!

24/3/09 14:22

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I've been waiting...

So long,
I've been waiting,
For you,
To reach my dream...

So long,
I've been waiting,
For it,
to fill this emptiness...

So long,
I've been waiting,
For them,
To be in my life...

So long,
I've been waiting,
For those,
To be answered...

The longer it takes,
The deeper it gets,
The harder it be,
The stronger I'd be...

18/3/09 17:19

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

in the magazine store...

Incident in the magazine store,
Flew my mind into the mud,
Make me live out of breath,
And the Earth suddenly stop spinning...

I knew it,
Long time ago...
I knew it,
Before they do...

My heart is breaking,
While starring at the news,
My body was numb,
Happen to be cannot move...

I love you,
I love you so much!
and to see you,
together with her is so harsh...

All the time,
I've been dreaming to hug you,
like hugging my rabbit bear...

All the time,
I've been wanted to kiss you,
like kissing a prince charming...

All the time,
I've been viewing to have you,
like the luckiest person in the universe...

Match rings show the complimentary,
Seems like both sharing the same hobby,
I just want you to be happy,
No matter with who you wanna be,
I'll make my way,
away from that creepy,
because I know its still you who I wanna end up with...

17/3/09 21:00

PS :- It was at the magazine store in a railway station where I saw HOT magazine.And when I flip through a few pages,I saw Joe and Camilla are officially together.I thought it was only rumours in the beginning but its not : ( but as long as Joe Jonas is happy,I'll be happy too.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


How do I pronounced?
How do I show?
How do I tell?
when there is no assurance...

Should I show?
'cause I already know,
that it will be a no...

Should I pronounce?
'cause I will never own,
that crown...

Should I tell?
'cause my fairy tale,
would be a fail...

12/3/09 11:10

PS :- is it possible?'cause its near to impossible!My life will be miserable,if Im not be able,to make it possible...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

im a fan!!!

Have made me be more matured...

Have made me work harder...

Have made me become even stronger...

Have made me a good lessons learner...

Give up?
For Jonas Brothers?
Never!!'cause Im a fan Forever!!

8/3/09 01:30

we can't be compared...

How would you know?
when it can't be shown...
How could I show?
when I can't go...
How do I go?
when everything is a no...

Do you know what its like,
to look at your poster every night?
Do you care about what its like,
to think of you every day?
Do you sense of what its like,
to miss you with non stop?
Do you notice to what its like,
to need you when you are not around?

Would you look at me
when I stand in front of you?
Would you smile to me
when I wave to you?
Would you hug me
when I say I love u?

In this world,
you are as big as elephant,
Im as small as an ant,
And an ant cant never be compared to an elephant...

8/3/09 01:20

Friday, March 6, 2009

3D night...

Crumple heart belong to me,
When its you I can't see...

Read about it on the newspaper,
It says today is the premiere,
and all I could do is just sitting here,
Hoping the time to fly even faster...

Why now?
Why all?
this hanging on my left side,
That hanging on my right side?

Sad for not being able to watch it on ASAP,
Glad for knowing that I have the chance to watch...

The feeling is so indescribable,
until I couldn't handle,
But these are all kinda acceptable,
'Cause Jonas Brothers the incredible,
deserve a fan who is truly loyal!

6/3/09 00:01

PS :- I had no idea whether the Jonas Brothers 3D concert experience will be played here in Malaysia's cinemas or not and when I found out that it is available here,it was so late at night and it was on Thursday which means I have to wait til weekend to watch it.On Saturday,I told my mom that I really wanna watch it.Then on Monday(it was public holiday) she sent my friend,my sister,and I to Pavilion,KL and i had such an aaaammmmmmaaaazzzziiiiinnngggg time in the cinema.That was the first time I've ever screamed,shouted,cried,dance,sang, and LOL in the cinema and I will never ever forget that moment.I didn't want it to end.I've treasured every second of that movie in my soul. loves : )

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Can love be shown by the act
Or by words?
Can love be described on the net
Or by winning?
Can love be own by someone closer
Or someone stranger?


I see you,
I want you,
I need you,
I miss you,
I love you...

I really do!

5/3/09 16:30

you are the reason..

You are the reason of why I wanna

take another breath,
be way much better,
look gorgeous,
reach all my dreams,
and have a wonderful life...

Even you I have never met,
Its you who always making me mad,
Raise me up when I am flat,
And its you,I will never forget!

5/3/09 16:20

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

5 reasons of why I love to listen to the Jonas Brothers!!

Listening is like loving...

Listening to their voice is
like watching the shining stars in the sky...
Listening to their lyrics is
like being in heaven...
Listening to their screaming is
like seeing birds flying freely...
Listening to their plea in the song is
like trusting the sincerity...
Listening to their music is
like standing in front of a beautiful sunset scenery...

And the feeling is so wonderful!

4/3/09 00:39

Sunday, March 1, 2009

where is the haeven?

Earth is covered by the dark,
Rains are showering the globe,
Im standing here,
Alone by my own...

How I wish to be by your side,
How I wish to be so lucky,
Its always you who I really need,
Its obviously you has steal my tiny heart...

Tell me where is the heaven?
So that I go and find you there...
Is there any shortcut
For to reach you there?

I always let my smiles
flying in the air,
to let others know
that they can not stop me
from loving you...

Love has no meaning without
you in my life...
because you are the reason
of love lingers back on me...

1/3/09 22:52