Sunday, December 6, 2009

part of me...

I wish to have you,

As my sun,
during the day...

As my moon,
during the night...

and as my dream,
during the dreaming...

Because you have been,

My snow,
during the winter...

My flowers,
during the autumn...

and my sweat,
during the summer...

Which make you be part of me,
yet the beat of my heart!


Saturday, December 5, 2009

tell me...

It was,

Another wake up,

Without u by my side...

Another day,

Without u to dry my tears...

Another night,

Without u cuddling me...


It was another dream,

With me in your arms...

So tell me,

Would you be here right by myside?

Tell me,

Would u dry my tears of missing you?

Tell me,

Would you cuddle me in the middle of the night?

Then we can welcome the dream to reality...



Friday, December 4, 2009

joesy jar

You might be apart,

But never in my heart...


It’s true,

that sometimes I feel like talking to u...

it’s also true,

that most of the time im missing u...

it’s definitely true,

that all of the time im in love with u...


There is nothing that I could do,

Except for write u...

Joesy jar is made to represent u,

Which makes me feel closer to u...

I love u!



p.s :- i have this jar called 'joesy jar' which can be consider as my joe..hehe i write to it whenever i feel like talking to joe..i know it sounds scary and awkward..this is not obsession..its just loves..hehe i'll hand it to joe one fine day..realy hope he'll love it.. : )


If I were about to describe u,

I would have state u as a garden of flowers...


With the presence of your smile,

The sunflower shine with its bright yellow...

With the appearance of yours,

The daisy smile and freshly grown...

With the loves that u give,

The flowers cherish the beautiful garden...

And now the view is nothing other than

the prefect land!


p.s:- yeah,the jonas brothers is the land of loves and always have the wonderful and pefect view...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

would u love me?

seeing you with your cute act,
makes me smile as the sign of happiness...
listening to your beautiful voice,
makes me view the wonderful scenery...
screaming at u with all of my heart,
makes me feel the satisfaction inside...
missing you but no one knows,
makes me sad and wonder why...
loving you in a silent way,
makes me sad and rebel inside...
when i love u,
would u love me more?

syuhada azimi xx

fairytale is beautiful...

the fairytale is beautiful,
with the presence of u...
the rainbow is colourful,
with the smile of yours...
the life is wonderful,
the songs that you own...
and the love is meaningful,
if only i can have u...

syuhada azimi xx

Saturday, August 22, 2009

is it?

Is it necessary,
For me to cry?
Chase the tears out of my eye,
When theres no sweet lullaby...

Is it necessary,
For me to stay?
and be strong for another day,
When you are very far away...

Is it necessary,
For me to be happy?
to believe in the unsure destiny,
When you dont even know me...

Is it necessary,
For me to know?
The answer that could be a no,
Then its you,I've to let go...

22/8/09 17:59

Friday, July 31, 2009

inspired by 'the storm'...

When you feel alone,
the heart will cry...

Like sadness cloud,
tears fall when it rains...

Like the storm,
the hurt strike...

Like the darkness,
feeling of deep inside...

when you need someone,
you need someone...

31/7/09 15:08

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


His soft heart,
makes me cry when he's hurt...
His wonderful voice,

makes me smile when im down...
His amazing words in song,

makes me feel him deeply...
His shining eyes,

makes me believe in true love...
His himself,

makes me believe in everything...

28/7/09 01:07

P.S :- joe,no matter how bad people treat u,always know that without u,i would have been lost in my own way...thats a huge deal for me andyou are always be in me as u've shown me the light when i was livingin the dark...and joe,i will always love u and u mean the world to me...(this was wrote few minutes after i gotta know that joe and camilla are done)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

whenever I listen to your songs...

Clouds of imaginations existed,
whenever I listen to your songs...

Bring me into a bright day,
As the sun is always there,
whenever I listen to your songs...

Drag me into a wonderful night,
With the sparkle beautiful stars,
whenever I listen to your songs...

Give me fresher air to breath in,
Together with flowery smell surrounds me,
whenever I listen to your songs...

Suprised me with a hamper of music,
of great voices,incredible musics and meaningful lyrics included,
whenever I listen to your songs...

14/7/09 12:00

Saturday, July 4, 2009

inspired by "black keys"...

I think of him,
Never stop from missing him...
I do realise that,
It means nothing to him...

In love with him,
Never wanted other that him...
I do know that,
I will never be with him...

When he is with her,
The clouds are getting darker...
When he loves her,
The rain falls even more heavier...
They are happy together,
The hurt shot me deeper,
Make me become weaker...

Please give me the chance,
To show him the love,
Please place me in,
the heart that he owns...

I adore him,
Never stopped from admiring him...
I do realise that,
I'm invisible to him...

I want him,
Never wanted to loose him...
I do know that,
Its impossible to have him...

When he is with her,
The world gets more darker...
When he loves her,
The tears fall even more faster...
They are happy together,
The hurt shot me deeper,
Make me become weaker...

Please give me the chance,
To be in his arm...
Please let me be,
Part of his life...

Its always hard,
When I have to let him go...

4/7/09 17:24

PS :- this is what came out when I think of Joe and the song that his brother,Nick wrote which is "black keys".Enjoy! : )

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

you have been taken...

When I feel empty,
My heart will bleed,
Wishing you are here,
But ignorance lead the plead...

Eyes were starring at out of nowhere,
Thinking of why does everything is an unfair?
When the loneliness is no longer can be bear,
As the real satisfaction has never been declared...

You is what I call home,
Be with you is what I say peace,
Both of us is what I define love,
But nothing is translated to reality...

I am all alone,
when I have no one to turn to,
I am all broken,
when I knew that you have been taken...

1/7/09 06:26

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

you are...

You are my brightest sun,
when the day comes...

You are my shiniest star,
when the night appear...

You are my permanent summer,
when the winter arrive...

You are my sweetest smile,
when the tears fall...

You are my only one,
when the love is born...

17/6/09 05:50

Thursday, June 4, 2009

i dont and i hate...

I don't like waking up in the morning,
without you by my side...

I don't like spending my whole day thinking,
of you who don't even know me...

I don't like facing the fact that you,
would never be mine...

And I hate it when,
I have to feel this way...

4/6/09 12:16

PS :- As a fan,its so hard to face the fact that your idol don't even know you.I woke this one morning and felt so lonely.There is no one else that could ever came into my mind that moment except the Jonas Brothers and knowing that they don't even notice my existence in the world is so harsh.but I personally will never blame them because there are like half of the world who want to be in Jonas Brothers part of life as theres no word to describe how wonderful the brothers are.So my poems are actually meant to be shared by the whole Jonas fans as I believe each of us feel the same way.Peace and loves

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Topic of love,
You make me learn...

Having a love,
You show me how to earn...

Faking the love,
You prove it can never be awaken...

Its you,named by love,
'Cause you are my superhuman...

Joseph Adam Jonas.

3/6/09 18:20


The view of loves are sen,
when I see you...

The beautiful of sounds are heard,
when I listen to you...

The meaning of posses are felt,
when I think of you...

We may be unknown to each other,
But destiny will stick us together...

3/6/09 00:37

Sunday, May 31, 2009

am i visible?

Could you see me?like
the stars are seen when the sun falls...

Would you hear me?like
the laughs are loud when the fun strikes...

Do you feel me?like
the winds are sensed when the blow flows...

am I visible to you when I say
I love you?

31/5/09 19:48

Saturday, May 30, 2009


I said life must goes on,
when you ask me to HOLD ON...

My world feel like being blessed,
when you answered my S.O.S...

How I wish to own the luck,
when you make me wanna catch the LOVEBUG...

Everything is ok,
when you tell me that the LOVE IS ON ITS WAY...

Thank you so much for making me feel this way,
There is no price that I could pay...

30/5/09 03:10

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


There is a limit of all thing,
There is a no for certain yes,
There are tears between the laughs,
There are fear in the middle of the life...

Sometimes it is unacceptable,
When everything is so unpredictable,
Wondering why are those cant be turned to possible,
To end all of the miserable...?

What can be describe as believe?
when you are miles away from me...
What can be the meaning of love?
when you don't even know me...

They say go!don't doubt your way,
You say the love is on its way,
I say give up is a no way!

26/5/09 01:10

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Last year,
I was still a newcomer...

Last month,
I was still a loyal admirer...

Last week,
I was still a real laugher...

I was still a sincere lover...

but today,

I cried for a heartbreaker...

17/5/09 18:35

PS:-I wrote this when I just got to know that Joe Jonas has decided to move in together with Camilla belle.It was so frustrating and I was very disappointed.After a few months,I found out that Jonas family disagree with that decision as they want the 3 brothers to live under the same roof.And I just know that no matter what,I still in love with Joe tho! : )

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Hey you!
you are like my rainbow,
which always make me glow,
by taking away my horrible sorrow...

Without you,
I could always be low,
drawning in the black shadow,
and eventually become a zero...

With you,
I just know how to flow,
make a move and just go,
to sunshine I say hello!
and you,
I consider my hero!

28/4/09 02:30

Saturday, April 25, 2009

at the bazzar...

Walking at the bazzar,
was looking at my right,
then turn to my left,
lovebirds are all around,painting the view...

Its you,
Who I think of...
Its you,
Who I feel...
Its you,
I wanna be with...

I need you,
like you are my air...
I miss you,
like I have met you...
I love you,
Like I always do...

25/4/09 21:45

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Maybe you are the one who will hug me when Im cold,
Because its you who I love to talk to when Im sad...

You could be the one who will pick me up when Im down,
Because its you who I love to lay on when Im fragile...

In that show you rock on
In those posters you stay still
In this eyes you shine bright
In my heart you live in...

I love you,Joe!

23/4/09 16:09

Sunday, April 12, 2009

i love...

I love the smile
I listen to your songs...

I love the feeling
I appreciate your lyrics...

I love the tears
I miss you anywhere anywhen...

I love the love
Im in love with you,my loves!

12/4/09 17:21

PS:- I just love the jonas brothers and its actually sooo hard to be described by words.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

i need...

Lend me your eyes,
'cause I need someone who can look me in the eyes...

Rent me your hug,
'cause I need someone who can hold me through the night...

Present me your attention,
'cause I need someone who can wipe my away tears...

Award me your love,
'cause I need someone who can show me what wonderful means...

8/4/09 21:47

you and i...

If you are the heart,
I wish to be your valve...

If you are a finger,
I would wanna be the nail...

If you are the gum,
I will be the teeth..


I dont wanna live without you!

8/4/09 01:40


If Im the star,
I do not blink...

If Im the sun,
I do not shine...

If im the sky,
I always rain...


If Im the love,
I am the greatest!

8/4/09 01:30

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Last night you came...

Again into my dream,
Making it more sweeter than ever...

Holding your hand make me smile along the way,
You were mad at first,
Then suprises cover up everything...

Singing with you together with Nick and Kevin,
Added the cherish to the wonderful dream,
Laughs painted the scenery...

Then both of us sit together,
This was the best part of the dream,
We were playing guitar,
It was like in a lovely lovestory...

Hugging you as saying goodbye is always not easy,
I wish to live in the dream forever,
with no goodbye...

I know that you will be back,
thank you for stopping by,
I will always miss you...

2/4/09 18:17

Saturday, March 28, 2009

for the jonas brothers...

What you are up to,
is what i wonder...

Oh!I cant stop thinking of you,
thats for sure...

Singing you songs,
always make me feel better...

All the lyrics,
are like the best ever!

Turning hard things,
into something lighter,
welcoming me into the world of joyness laugher...

28/3/09 06:25

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

the love...

Love is brutal,
as I struggle...

With my undone eyebrows,and scattered acne,
I dream of having you by my side,
Yeah I know it sounds funny,
But that keep me smile so bright...

Love is killing,
as Im dying...

Two different world can never be one in an easy way,
That is what on my mind as on the couch I lay,
Eventhough I feel so far away and away,
It feels better as I pray...

Having you in my heart,
make me feel light,
Remembering you by my heart,
make me feel peace,
Loving you with every piece of my heart,
make me feel perfect!

24/3/09 14:39

thank you,JONAS!!!

I was loosing him,
when I first fall for you...

I was crying for him,
before I smile for you...

I was dying being hurt by him,
after that,a life has been granted to me by you...

I was mourning when I leave him,
then I laugh when I welcome you...

I was covered by the black clouds,
when I was with him,
but now the sun has come as,
Im in love with you...

Thank you!

24/3/09 14:22

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I've been waiting...

So long,
I've been waiting,
For you,
To reach my dream...

So long,
I've been waiting,
For it,
to fill this emptiness...

So long,
I've been waiting,
For them,
To be in my life...

So long,
I've been waiting,
For those,
To be answered...

The longer it takes,
The deeper it gets,
The harder it be,
The stronger I'd be...

18/3/09 17:19

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

in the magazine store...

Incident in the magazine store,
Flew my mind into the mud,
Make me live out of breath,
And the Earth suddenly stop spinning...

I knew it,
Long time ago...
I knew it,
Before they do...

My heart is breaking,
While starring at the news,
My body was numb,
Happen to be cannot move...

I love you,
I love you so much!
and to see you,
together with her is so harsh...

All the time,
I've been dreaming to hug you,
like hugging my rabbit bear...

All the time,
I've been wanted to kiss you,
like kissing a prince charming...

All the time,
I've been viewing to have you,
like the luckiest person in the universe...

Match rings show the complimentary,
Seems like both sharing the same hobby,
I just want you to be happy,
No matter with who you wanna be,
I'll make my way,
away from that creepy,
because I know its still you who I wanna end up with...

17/3/09 21:00

PS :- It was at the magazine store in a railway station where I saw HOT magazine.And when I flip through a few pages,I saw Joe and Camilla are officially together.I thought it was only rumours in the beginning but its not : ( but as long as Joe Jonas is happy,I'll be happy too.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


How do I pronounced?
How do I show?
How do I tell?
when there is no assurance...

Should I show?
'cause I already know,
that it will be a no...

Should I pronounce?
'cause I will never own,
that crown...

Should I tell?
'cause my fairy tale,
would be a fail...

12/3/09 11:10

PS :- is it possible?'cause its near to impossible!My life will be miserable,if Im not be able,to make it possible...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

im a fan!!!

Have made me be more matured...

Have made me work harder...

Have made me become even stronger...

Have made me a good lessons learner...

Give up?
For Jonas Brothers?
Never!!'cause Im a fan Forever!!

8/3/09 01:30

we can't be compared...

How would you know?
when it can't be shown...
How could I show?
when I can't go...
How do I go?
when everything is a no...

Do you know what its like,
to look at your poster every night?
Do you care about what its like,
to think of you every day?
Do you sense of what its like,
to miss you with non stop?
Do you notice to what its like,
to need you when you are not around?

Would you look at me
when I stand in front of you?
Would you smile to me
when I wave to you?
Would you hug me
when I say I love u?

In this world,
you are as big as elephant,
Im as small as an ant,
And an ant cant never be compared to an elephant...

8/3/09 01:20

Friday, March 6, 2009

3D night...

Crumple heart belong to me,
When its you I can't see...

Read about it on the newspaper,
It says today is the premiere,
and all I could do is just sitting here,
Hoping the time to fly even faster...

Why now?
Why all?
this hanging on my left side,
That hanging on my right side?

Sad for not being able to watch it on ASAP,
Glad for knowing that I have the chance to watch...

The feeling is so indescribable,
until I couldn't handle,
But these are all kinda acceptable,
'Cause Jonas Brothers the incredible,
deserve a fan who is truly loyal!

6/3/09 00:01

PS :- I had no idea whether the Jonas Brothers 3D concert experience will be played here in Malaysia's cinemas or not and when I found out that it is available here,it was so late at night and it was on Thursday which means I have to wait til weekend to watch it.On Saturday,I told my mom that I really wanna watch it.Then on Monday(it was public holiday) she sent my friend,my sister,and I to Pavilion,KL and i had such an aaaammmmmmaaaazzzziiiiinnngggg time in the cinema.That was the first time I've ever screamed,shouted,cried,dance,sang, and LOL in the cinema and I will never ever forget that moment.I didn't want it to end.I've treasured every second of that movie in my soul. loves : )

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Can love be shown by the act
Or by words?
Can love be described on the net
Or by winning?
Can love be own by someone closer
Or someone stranger?


I see you,
I want you,
I need you,
I miss you,
I love you...

I really do!

5/3/09 16:30

you are the reason..

You are the reason of why I wanna

take another breath,
be way much better,
look gorgeous,
reach all my dreams,
and have a wonderful life...

Even you I have never met,
Its you who always making me mad,
Raise me up when I am flat,
And its you,I will never forget!

5/3/09 16:20

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

5 reasons of why I love to listen to the Jonas Brothers!!

Listening is like loving...

Listening to their voice is
like watching the shining stars in the sky...
Listening to their lyrics is
like being in heaven...
Listening to their screaming is
like seeing birds flying freely...
Listening to their plea in the song is
like trusting the sincerity...
Listening to their music is
like standing in front of a beautiful sunset scenery...

And the feeling is so wonderful!

4/3/09 00:39

Sunday, March 1, 2009

where is the haeven?

Earth is covered by the dark,
Rains are showering the globe,
Im standing here,
Alone by my own...

How I wish to be by your side,
How I wish to be so lucky,
Its always you who I really need,
Its obviously you has steal my tiny heart...

Tell me where is the heaven?
So that I go and find you there...
Is there any shortcut
For to reach you there?

I always let my smiles
flying in the air,
to let others know
that they can not stop me
from loving you...

Love has no meaning without
you in my life...
because you are the reason
of love lingers back on me...

1/3/09 22:52

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

live my life...

Apart from the tears,suffer and tragis...

There are miracle of something
that shining so bright behind,
With pleasure they gave me
laughs,hopes,believe and spirit,
With believe He lends
me the string to hang on...

Tears are what I cried off,
Miracle is what I always want,
Spirit is what I gain on,
When them I define hope,
and He is what I believe in,
because life is what I live for...

(hilighted words mean the JONAS BROTHERS)

25/2/09 03:20

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I always believe in fairy tales,
as I believe in destiny...

When I close my eyes,
It is you i can only see...

When I take another breath,
It is your air I inhale...

When I smile widely,
It is always you,the reason why...

When I cry sadly,
It is because of you who may not know me...

I believe its true,
as my heart says so,
I believe its you,
as I know that I love you so...

24/2/09 22:03

Sunday, February 22, 2009

yeah...I'm just a fan...

Im a fan,
I do listen to Jonas music,
and its not by ears
but by heart...

Im a fan,
I do dream about Jonas,
but Im not living in that dream,
Im taking it into reality...

Im a fan,
I do paste Jonas posters on my wall,
not to stare
but to talk to...

Im a fan,
I do watch Jonas on the tv,
not every time
but they are on my mind 24/7...

Im a fan,
I do care about Jonas,
I cant put my eyes on Jonas,
but I have god to pray for them...


Im only a fan,
not an ordinary fan,
but i do not need to win their merchandise,
'cause I must win the hearts of Jonas!

22/2/09 11:15

Friday, February 20, 2009

10 yours of mine...

It's your picture I put in my purse,
It's your poster i paste on my bedroom wall,
It's your magazines cover I stare on my study table,
It's your name letters I put on my phone chain,
It's your style I adore the most,
It's your jokes that make me LOL,
It's your smile I classified as the sweetest,
It's your self I miss to bit,


It's your heart I want and love to the max!!

20/2/09 13:00

Thursday, February 19, 2009

stop hoping,start believing...

You might be sleeping,
while i am thinking,
Thinking of you the one who,
I've been missing,
Maybe or not you know how's the

You dont know me,
I partially know you,
That is what bordering me,
Because I know,that I do love you...

I wonder how would it be,
to win the love of yours,
after Swift,now Belle gives "envy" to me,
Because they have won the heart of yours...

Everyday I believe,
will look you in the eyes,
Everyday I believe,
will tell you that I love you,
I will never stop believing,
to have you in my life...

19/2/09 02:53(LA time)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

different world...

God created you,
God created me...

Your mom gave birth to you,
My mom gave birth to me...

We are both human,
We are both having a heart,
We are both breathing,
We are both living...

Then what is the difference between me and you?
Until I have to struggle to have you,
Maybe I know why,
And I believe it is true...

God created us..
Our moms gave birth to us...
We are both human...
We are both having a heart..
And yes,
We are both living..


You came from a different world,
You are a famous person,
You breath in the fresher air,
You live in a luxury loves..

As i know that it is impossible to have you,
I still think that it is not wrong to keep loving you,
because it brings me into peace
whenever I think of you...

14/2/09 23:00

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

u'll be fine...

Learn at school today,
Teacher thought 'bout diabetes,
Everyday I pray,
That u'll be fine...

All my thoughts were at you Nick,
How's the life of a diabetic?
Everyday I pray,
That u'll be fine...

Now I do know what its like when its gone,
And I do know how its like to feel that low,
When everytime I think of you,
I'll hope,
For the best,
for you...

Love you as a bro,
Fell you as you glow,
Everyday I pray,
That u'll be fine...

Does it hurt when you got poked?
Does it work as it should be?
Everyday I pray,
That u'll be fine...

Now I do know what its like when its gone,
And I do know how its like to feel that low,
When everytime I think of you,
I'll hope,
For the best,
For you...
For the best,
For you...

So I hope that u'll be strong,
I will always be with you,
Everyday I pray,
That u'll be fine...
U'll be fine...

this is a reply to Nick's 'a lil bit longer'...
special for Nicholas Jerry Jonas...
Love you,bro!you're strong!keep surviving!keep smiling!and keep rocking,bebeh!! : )

11/2/2009 13:00

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

its you...

You have always make me smile,
Even laugh and sometimes cry...

By looking at you,
Inspiration surrounds me,
And craving a beautiful poetry,
which unbelievably lovely...

You might be miles away by distance,
Never be away from my heart,
Always you in my mind,
Who sometimes make me blind...

Joe baby,
I wonder if you can hear me,
to come and tell me,
That you would always be here for me...

i love u Joseph Adam Jonas!

10/2/2009 18:00

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Always bb good kind of guy,
One of the sexiest menalive in the universe,
Seeing him feel like wanna fly,
Paul Kevin makes every heart happily burst!

Act like as cool as the snow,
Keep me asking for more,
He is always be the one man show,
That is my super hero Joe!

Day by day he looks cuter than ever,
And he is full of the kind,
As i believe in a lil bit longer,
Nick J will perfectly be fine!

They are the coolest brothers on the planet
My love for them is a nett,
Kevin,Joe,Nick and Frankie the kid,
always got me goin' crazy to bit!

Wonderful poetry is defined by their lyrics,
Voices of them can never be a bad critics,
Constantly be the best cure to myself,
Their CD is definately not tobe left on the shelf!

I love burnin' up forever,
To stop adoring it is a never,
My most favourite is when you look me in the eyes,
'Cause it is always delicious as spice!

Kevin loves sorry,
Nick's voice in it is such a glory,
Joe feels it as deep as the sea,
three of them are as sweet as cherry!

Tonight might be as usual,
dreaming of your presence make me feel casual,
but no,I wont be like the video girl,
because I will be the next door girl!

Hope Joe is not going to be pushin' me away,
by what I am about to say...
Lovebug is so hard to get,
but his,I've managed to catch,
and I dont know how to face the true,
if I realy cant have you!

pureness shown by their purity ring,
wonderfulness shown by their laughs,
amazingness shown by their sings,
miracle shown by my love for them (JONAS BROTHERS)!!

3/2/2009 18:56

Saturday, January 31, 2009

send me the love...

The moon might be talking to all of
the shining stars now...

They might wanna tell me something,
Something that they've seen,
They might have seen you
whos miles away from me...

'Cause I've been sending thousands
of regards,hellos,hugs and loves
for you through them...

Dear sweetness,

Whenever you see the moon,
Say hello back and please blow
some kisses for me...

Whenever you see the sparkle stars,
Tell them thet you love me too
and smile as the sign of joyness...

Because I'll be waiting for the night to come
and pick all of your hellos,hugs and kisses
as well as 'love you too' from the moon and the sparkle stars...

31/1/2009 02:58


I couldn't stop my mind
from thinking of you...

I sent you a love letter
through the one and only way...

I am not sure whether you've gotten it
'cause its only on your myspace comment...

I will wait for it to be replied
or I am just going to send you more and more...

I smile at your poster
as it always shine so bright...

I could win the miracle from the Almighty
to have you,Joseph Adam Jonas
forever in my life... : )

31/1/2009 02:44

Friday, January 30, 2009

joseph adam jonas...

People might think I'm crazy,
They can say it is stupid,
'cause they don't know,
How wonderful the feeling is...

I know it sounds ridiculous,
I notice it seems impossible,
But there is nothing wrong,
To believe in miracle...

By watching him,
my heart is shaking,
By talking to his poster,
my mouth could not stop praising...

Joseph Adam Jonas,
is the one who I'm in love with,
Don't you ever be jealous,
if he is the one who i will end up with...

30/1/2009 22:45