Sunday, May 31, 2009

am i visible?

Could you see me?like
the stars are seen when the sun falls...

Would you hear me?like
the laughs are loud when the fun strikes...

Do you feel me?like
the winds are sensed when the blow flows...

am I visible to you when I say
I love you?

31/5/09 19:48

Saturday, May 30, 2009


I said life must goes on,
when you ask me to HOLD ON...

My world feel like being blessed,
when you answered my S.O.S...

How I wish to own the luck,
when you make me wanna catch the LOVEBUG...

Everything is ok,
when you tell me that the LOVE IS ON ITS WAY...

Thank you so much for making me feel this way,
There is no price that I could pay...

30/5/09 03:10

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


There is a limit of all thing,
There is a no for certain yes,
There are tears between the laughs,
There are fear in the middle of the life...

Sometimes it is unacceptable,
When everything is so unpredictable,
Wondering why are those cant be turned to possible,
To end all of the miserable...?

What can be describe as believe?
when you are miles away from me...
What can be the meaning of love?
when you don't even know me...

They say go!don't doubt your way,
You say the love is on its way,
I say give up is a no way!

26/5/09 01:10

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Last year,
I was still a newcomer...

Last month,
I was still a loyal admirer...

Last week,
I was still a real laugher...

I was still a sincere lover...

but today,

I cried for a heartbreaker...

17/5/09 18:35

PS:-I wrote this when I just got to know that Joe Jonas has decided to move in together with Camilla belle.It was so frustrating and I was very disappointed.After a few months,I found out that Jonas family disagree with that decision as they want the 3 brothers to live under the same roof.And I just know that no matter what,I still in love with Joe tho! : )